The Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association (TCA) and Tennessee Cattlemen’s Youth Association (TCYA) recently selected Augustus Rye, RuthAnn Johns, Emma Armstrong, Sydney Cherry, and Caroline Garrell as its 2023 Youth Ambassadors.
“I am blessed to receive this opportunity to learn more about the cattle industry and help move it forward in Tennessee,” said Augustus Rye. “I look forward to working with my fellow ambassadors this year.”
Rye is the 16-year-old son of Seth and Pamela Rye of Houston County. Rye enjoys many aspects of the beef cattle industry, including feeding, cow-calf production, and showing cattle. He is an active member of the Houston County 4-H and FFA programs and has participated in the Clarksville Area Better Beef Steer Show for many years. In 4-H, Rye is a competitive member of the livestock and meat evaluation teams, and grill masters. Rye is a junior at Houston County High School.
Garrell is the 16-year-old daughter of Jeanie Garrell of Lincoln County. Garrell has been involved in the cattle industry her entire life. She is a strong advocate for the industry and enjoys attending community and industry events where she can educate others about beef cattle. Garrell has held several leadership positions within Tennessee 4-H and earned many honors with her 4-H beef project. She is a sophomore at Lincoln County High School.
Armstrong is the 17-year-old daughter of Matthew and Brandi Armstrong of Bedford County. Armstrong is very involved in her family’s multi-generational Angus operation. She has earned several awards and held numerous leadership positions in the Tennessee and National Junior Angus Associations. She is also involved in the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Youth Association, Community High School FFA Chapter, and Bedford County 4-H. Armstrong is a junior at Community High School.
Johns is the 16-year-old daughter of Brian and Jennifer Johns of Rutherford County. Johns is a well-rounded, young cattlewoman. She is active in her school, community, and 4-H and FFA, all of which, she has incorporated her passion and knowledge of the cattle industry. Outside of her involvement in the cattle industry, Johns is involved in several school clubs and her church youth group. Johns is a junior at Eagleville High School.
Cherry is the 17-year-old daughter of Jason and Brandy Cherry of Chester County. Cherry has been involved in the agriculture and cattle industries her entire life. She enjoys showing and raising Hereford cattle with her family. Cherry is active in the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Youth Association, 4-H, and FFA. Outside of her agriculture involvement, she is active in several school clubs and her church. Cherry is a junior at Chester County High School.
“I am honored and very excited for this opportunity to represent the youth cattlemen of Tennessee,” said Emma Armstrong. “I am looking forward to learning more about the cattle industry throughout the year.”
Melinda Perkins, Director of Youth Programs and Outreach, is eager to work with the Youth Ambassadors this year. “I am excited to work with the group we have selected as Youth Ambassadors this year. Their time in 4-H and FFA, junior breed associations, and other school activities has undoubtedly equipped them to serve our youth members. I look forward to seeing the new and creative ideas they present.”
The purpose of the TCA Youth Ambassadors is to promote the well-being of the cattle industry, to further encourage youth involvement and cooperation in the cattle industry. 2024 TCA Youth Ambassador applications will be available in Fall 2023.
TCA was founded in 1985 and has more than 7,000 members from across the state and the southeast. The organization works to provide the cattlemen of Tennessee with an organization through which they may function collectively to protect their interests and work toward the solution of cattle industry problems and to build the necessary goodwill that will bring both governmental esteem and recognition to the industry.
For more information visit, email or call (615) 896-2333. Be sure to follow the TCA on our Facebook page:, Instagram, and Twitter accounts: @TennesseeCattle.